How To Hack Sports Betting Sites

  1. How To Hack Sports Betting Sites
  2. How To Play Sports Betting

I’ll admit right now that I am not an expert sports bettor. Yea, I can write up basic tips articles and sportsbook reviews, but I’m not the guy to go to for picks and advanced arbitrage betting strategy. However, I do know of one method of cheating that actually works. It requires no knowledge of sports betting and very little effort.

Sound too good to be true? I’ll let you decide for yourself.

  1. As the sports betting industry continues to evolve, banking options have become a primary area that differentiates the great betting sites with the average ones. First, it’s important to have an online betting site.
  2. On Monday night, Mike Smith made his season debut for the Edmonton Oilers. In it, he stopped 27 shots and helped the Oilers knock off the Ottawa Senators 3-1. The very next night, Mikko Koskinen tu.
  3. A hacker is a term most of us don't like it's become glamorized in movie's and what you see in the movies is fake. Most are script kiddies running around trying to play hacker with code that's crap and poorly.

Note – Cheating online sportsbooks is a good way to get yourself sued or murdered.

It requires no knowledge of sports betting and very little effort. Sound too good to be true? I’ll let you decide for yourself. Note – Cheating online sportsbooks is a good way to get yourself sued. Every locker has a picture above it in the women's dressing room at Crystal Palace. The players usually opt for a photograph of a loved one but midfielder Leigh Nicol has an image of the tree in.

The Basic Scam

It’s actually pretty funny how easy it is to cheat online sportsbooks. The basic idea is that you create an affiliate account with a couple of online sportsbooks and then place a large wager on both sides of one bet. Let’s say there’s a big boxing match. You bet $20,000 on Boxer A at the first sportsbook and then $20,000 on Boxer B at the second sportsbook.

How To Hack Sports Betting Sites

What’s going to happen here is that you will break even on your wager minus the juice. I’m not going to get into math (I hate math) so forgive me for skipping the juice calculation. Anyways, you’ll end up with $0 at one sportsbook and $40,000 at the other. You’ve broken even minus whatever the juice was. Except now you have a real solid chunk of earnings in your affiliate account.

How it Works

Affiliate programs are how people like me get paid to promote online sportsbooks. Anyone can sign up for an affiliate program for free by visiting a sportsbook and looking for a link somewhere on the page that says “affiliates.”

As an affiliate, you get paid a percentage of the losses of all people you send to that sportsbook. The percentages vary, but they are around 20-40%. So let’s say all the people at your sportsbook manage to lose a collective $100,000 on a 35% deal. You would be paid $35,000 for that month. It doesn’t always work like that, though, because your sports bettors don’t always lose money.

Anyways, what you do is sign up for an affiliate account at two different sportsbooks. Let’s just assume you get a 35% deal at both books. By now, I bet you can see where this is going.

Now you will have a friend sign up through your affiliate link so he is tagged as one of your bettors. From that point on, you will get to keep 35% of all his losses. Tell your friend to sign up for an account at both sportsbooks.


(If you friend wins money, your affiliate account goes negative but you don’t actually owe anything. You’ll just sit at a negative number until your bettors bring you back to positive again. That doesn’t really matter though, because this is just a quick scam.)

Now, you give your friend $40,000. Tell him to deposit $20,000 at each sportsbook. Now, tell your friend to pick an even money bet and wager $20,000 on each side of the bet. Let’s just say it’s a boxing match this time. Your friend will now have $20,000 on Boxer A and $20,000 on Boxer B.


After the fight concludes, your friend will have $0 at one sportsbook and about $40,000 at the other sportsbook. He has broken even. You, on the other hand, have just cleared a tidy profit. Assuming you are on a 35% deal, you will have just earned $7,000 at the sportsbook that booked his losing bet. Your other affiliate account will be negative, but that doesn’t matter.

How to Get Caught

Online sportsbooks are well aware of this scam, so proceed with caution. I don’t know every trick they use to catch people who cheat online sportsbooks, but I do know of a few. First of all, you will be caught if you try to run this scam all by yourself. Sportsbooks don’t let affiliates sign up through their own links and place bets. You have to get someone else to sign up and place the wagers.

Secondly, you will be caught if your friend lives in the same city as you. The sportsbook will find it quite suspicious if someone from the same city as you signs up and deposits twenty grand. That doesn’t happen very often.

Third, you will be caught if your friend doesn’t work his way into betting big amounts. Sportsbook s are very cautious about these things. When someone signs up and makes a large deposit then suddenly wagers it all on one bet, they are going to investigate to make sure everything is legitimate.

Fourth, you will be caught if you try to run this scam at two sportsbooks that are connected. For example, and are both closely related sportsbooks. They will know instantly if you try to sign up for an account at both books.

Sportsbooks take notice of their big players and pay close attention to them. Sportsbooks want to treat their legitimate VIP players with the utmost care while also protecting themselves from cheaters. You have to make it all look as natural as possible. If you run it right, though, you just might be able to develop a long term, positive thing.

What Happens If You Get Caught

Oh boy. Don’t get caught.

You will either be in trouble with the law or you will be in trouble with the mob. That’s why I strongly recommend you don’t try this scam. That’s also why I feel just a tad leery even writing about this subject. I’m just posting this for information purposes though. Most hardcore sports bettors already know about this scam, so it’s not exactly the biggest secret in the world.

If you didn’t already know about this scam, you definitely shouldn’t try it for yourself. The problem is that if you want to get paid, you have to give them your real information… unless you can find a way to create an entirely fake identity. But if you’re smart enough to have that ability, you probably don’t need to be running sportsbook scams in the first place.

Tagged with: cheating

We are obviously huge fans of placing your sports wagers online. Not only is it extremely convenient, but the bonuses and rewards you can earn will really boost your bankroll. We could go on and on about the all the advantages online betting has to offer, but we can’t fail to mention that there are also a couple of disadvantages.

How To Play Sports Betting

The disadvantage we will be focusing on for the purpose of this article is the fact that sports betting sites can track each and every wager that we place. While this might not sound like a huge disadvantage in and of itself, it’s what they do with this information that’s the problem.

Betting sites constantly analyze each customer’s betting activity to see what type of bettor they are. If a customer is deemed to be “low value” for any reason, then it’s likely that their account will be limited in some way. Some betting sites will even go as far as closing their customer’s account. Whether your account is limited or closed, this can be extremely frustrating.

The limiting of betting accounts is nothing new. Even before the era of online gambling, bookmakers would restrict successful bettors from placing wagers with them. It has become more and more common in recent years though, and it’s no longer just proven winners who are affected. Betting sites have become increasingly prone to limiting or restricting the accounts of ANY customers whose betting activity they don’t particularly like.

Sometimes customers are limited for valid reasons. Other times they are not. Since betting sites don’t always have the time and resources to properly investigate each account, they tend to err on the side of caution. This results in sites applying restrictions on more accounts than they technically need to. These days a single “suspicious” wager can be enough to trigger some kind of restriction, and the end result is that a lot of recreational bettors are affected despite not doing anything wrong. This is harsh, especially when these people generally lose money through their betting.

This issue has been receiving a lot of publicity in the United Kingdom recently, where gambling is fully legalized and regulated, but it’s actually a problem for bettors all over the word. So why are betting sites so quick to limit the accounts of their customers?

We answer this question below, and also explain the different ways in which sites limit accounts. We provide some advice on how to prevent it from happening to you too. We can’t guarantee that your accounts will never be restricted, but our advice will certainly help you avoid it.